Invitation & Agenda, General Assembly 15 March

Invitation & Agenda, General Assembly 15 March

Dear all,

We would like to kindly invite you to participate in our next General Assembly meeting:

Date:             15th March

Time:             12:30 – 14:00 h

Where:          online via web-ex, please click on the green box “join meeting” below

Agenda:        attached

Languages:   main language of the meeting will be EN, however we are flexible to switch between EN&FR

More ways to join:

Join from the meeting link

Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 2741 435 9590
Meeting password: Wuq6ZnAt@35 (98769628 from phones)
General Assembly of the Cancer Support Group

General Assembly of the Cancer Support Group

Dear all, please save the date in your agendas:

4 December 2023, 12:30 until 14 h, General Assembly of the Cancer Support Group

We would like to invite all our Members to this meeting and hope you can make yourself available.

The agenda, the address of the meeting room for in-presence participation and the link to connect online will be sent to you between the 15th and 20th November 2023.

In order to organize the meeting smoothly: please send  a mail to:

If you wish to participate in-presence and at the same time signal, should you need a visitor’s badge to access the building.

Petra & the Coordination team of CSG

Helping the Exhausted Giver

Helping the Exhausted Giver

How to understand and support that part of you that needs nourishment?

Friday, 10.03.23,  12:00-13:30 presentation and 13:30–14:00 Q&A

Online via the following Zoomlink:

By Irene Nolte- holistic life coach

How to deal with illness?

How to support yourself, a loved one, a family member or friend, when a diagnosis has been pronounced?

Read More Read More

Book launch and cake sale.

Book launch and cake sale.

For this year’s charity event, the Cancer Support group will gather on 10 December (from 12.30H to 15h) in the Berlaymont Piazza at lunchtime for a book and homemade cakes sale.

Colleagues will also sing and play some music.

The collected funds will go to Kick Cancer asbl, a Belgian asbl which supports research projects in the field of pediatric cancer.

The assocation was proposed by Anna Tylman (COMP) who lost her daughter to cancer last year and has now written a book about their lives and combat.

The book was published earlier this year in French, but was originally written in Polish. The Cancer Support Group will support her by providing the funding for publishing the Polish version.

The event is organised under the auspices of Commissioner Andriukaitis, who will make the introductory remarks.

CSG Concerts

CSG Concerts

This December we invite you to bring softly the year to closure TOGETHER.

Looking back to the last 11 months, there have been many moments in which we met as a growing community, inventing new ways to come together, know and support each other in so many occasions.

We have prepared a series of three concerts and people who have attended some of our activities know already one of the artists, Luka Soriano. Together with his “binome”, Pilar Mc Carthy, they will bring us beautiful, healing music from around the world for an hour and a half concert in each location.



The concerts will take place as follows:

  • in BERLAYMONT PIAZZA on Monday, 11 December, from 12h30 to 14h00
  • in DGT – Cafeteria of Rue de Genève 6, on Monday, 11 December, from 16h30 to 18h00
  • in CDMA Atrium (Champs de Mars 21) on Tuesday, 12 December, from 12h30 to 14h00.

Few words about the artists. They are both coming from Valencia and have music and arts as background. They are deepening their practice towards personal development through various techniques, including going back to old music and bringing it to nowadays people as a way to anchor and process change in their lives.

Luka ( is well-known also for being the funniest clown that makes kids in Valencian hospitals laugh and forget their suffering as he collaborates with  Payasospital, a charity that brings a bit of a smile on children’s faces in hospitals.



Pilar ( roots her energy in her “tierra”, believes strongly in the healing power of the feminine energy and her voice is a gift of power and softness at the same time.



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