Understand and Manage Stress – with Tom MEYERS, Osteopath&DeStress Coach
Date(s) - 09/02/2017
12:30 pm - 2:15 pm
Grande Salle du Comité du Personnel
invites you
to the lunchtime conference
Understanding stress: what does stress do to your body and how to manage it
with Tom Meyers,
Osteopath & DeStress Coach
Stress come to you in various ways and expresses in a myriad of nuances putting a lot of strain on your life and your relationships.
This is particularly valid when a family member has cancer. The health and well-being of spouses, family members and caregivers are also affected. This is even more valid if you are the main caregiver for a loved one: in no time you may find yourself joggling with everyday challenges … you do not even have time to think of the deep implications of what you are living for your life and for your family.
Caring for a person with a life-threatening illness brings about insecurity, fear, alterations of daily activities, financial difficulties and many physical and emotional challenges which in turn leads to increased levels of stress over an extended period of time, sometimes years.
Little attention I usually given to supporting spouses and family members who act as caregivers to limit the effects of stress associated with the many life changes they go through. Self-care is not a word that is part of their story, and the faster it becomes part of their journey, the better.
In this informational workshop, Tom will guide you through the anatomy of stress. Chronic stress, when not attended to, leads to musculoskeletal pain, cardiovascular disease, reduction in immune function, sleep disturbance, substance abuse, and depression – to name but a few. Most of those who suffer are not able to name all these, but they experience progressively more fatigue, irritability, and an increasingly disturbing sensation that things escape their control.
Tom will also address the issue of stress in caregivers and give his view on what stress is and how and why stress influences health and wellbeing. This new or renewed understanding of stress will then form the basis of how you can help yourself manage more effectively the challenging circumstances in the caregiver’s life and remain healthy throughout the experience.
The workshop is originally intended for caregivers, but everybody who realises that s/he is under stress can benefit of the tools and techniques that Tom will teach during the event.
You can book a place here or email cancer-support@ec.europa.eu
Who is Tom Meyers?
Tom Meyers is an Osteopath B.Sc., D.O. OSD, stress
coach, public speaker, writer and visionary in the field of
health and wellbeing. He runs a private health practice in
Brussels (Tomberg) and travels regularly to give
presentations and workshops on the topic of
‘Understanding & Managing Stress’.
His personal experience and professional insights have
led to the development of the ‘Reaset Approach’, a novel
body-mind healing approach and educational system
especially suited for stress related ailments.
Tom has written articles for Together Magazine and TEDx
Brussels, and was host of the weekly feature “Health
Matters” on the Brussels based English commercial radio
station RadioX.
Currently Tom is writing his first self-help book “Reaset:
The return of Ease.” In this book he interlace soulpurpose,
personal development, health and healing into a
compelling self-help guide to thrive in changing times.
More information about Tom and his work as an
osteopath and stress-coach, you’ll find on his website:
Bookings are closed for this event.