Who are we…

Who are we…

Today the Cancer Support Group (CSG) means a bunch of dedicated colleagues who are ready to help.  Should you need them, you can always find somebody at the end of the line on the CSG hotline (ext. 80741) or by email at cancer-support@ec.europa.eu. The service is available during working hours, but it is not unusual to have someone picking up the phone late in the evening or answer an email late at night. The group can support you in many ways in a confidential and respectful manner. CSG can help you find answers to questions of which some might be more sensitive or difficult than others. We can help with the administrative procedures for reimbursement or recognition of a serious illness. Our volunteers also accompany patients to the clinic and support them during the convalescence.

Besides individual assistance to colleagues confronted with the illness themselves or who are the main caregivers of a close relative, the CSG organises conferences and workshops to promote healthy living and fundraising events to support individual difficult cases or local NGOs which are doing meaningful work in the field or supporting scientific research.

CSG offers a wide programme of activities: from assistance to sick colleagues during the whole medical and administrative procedure, to organising support and wellbeing conferences and workshops (self-compassion, kundalini yoga, tai chi, qi qong, creative dance, reiki).

We also offer a listening ear and coaching to colleagues coming back to work after a sick leave and we accompany them so that they make sure they start with the right foot.

Our activities are financed by subsidies received from the European Commission, but mainly via donations, particularly coming from our colleagues who practice Reiki and from BossaFlor concerts, but also by cake sales (our cakes are famous!), book and CD/DVD sales. 

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